Proxmox All-in-One

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Installing PVE

Start with the port you will want as your LAN port (secondary) from pfSense connected to your network

Install PVE

Fix repositories

  • Add "pve-no-subscription"
  • Disable "pve-enterprise"
  • Refresh updates
  • Upgrade

Add a second Linux Bridge

  • No addresses or gateways
  • Assign your, as yet unused, second physical Ethernet port to this bridge


Installing pfSense (a link)

  • Build the pfSense VM
    • 8GB drive, 4 cores, 4096MB RAM
    • Use the second bridge (vmbr1) as the first network port & the original (vmbr0) as the second port
    • Configure the pfSense VM to start at boot.
      • Strongly reccomend setting it to boot FIRST & give a startup delay of at least a couple of minutes.
    • Do a BACKUP
    • Open the VM console & pretend you're building a normal pfSense router
    • Once the VM is booted into pfSense...
    • Do a BACKUP
    • Then move on to:

Management VM

  • Pick your favourite OS & build a VM (Or... Ya know... Since ya gave that second network bridge a physical NIC (Ya did, right?)... You could just plug a computer in there.)
    • Point its network device at the second network bridge
    • Sign into (from the Management VM)
    • In Services / DHCP Server / LAN
      • Under Servers, add in your DNS server(s) address(es)
    • Restart networking on the Management VM
    • Feed access to this VM through the pfSense firewall
  • Do a BACKUP

pfSense Configuration

  • Sign into (from the Management VM)
  • In Services / DNS Resolver / General Settings, under Host Overrides
    • set up a DNS entry for PVE
  • In Firewall / NAT / Port Forward
    • set up port forwarding for the pfSense UI (port 443)
    • set up port forwarding for the PVE UI (port 8006)
    • set up port forwarding for SSH (port 22) to the Management VM (if used...)
  • Do a BACKUP

Taking it LIVE

Up to this point, your server works fine on an internal network. Unfortunately, as far as the world outside the box is concerned, there are 2 machines there. The Proxmox install AND a pfSense install. They both show up on the network.


Let's fix that.

  • Sign into the physical machine (PVE)
    • edit /etc/network/interfaces
      • Change vmbr0 to vmbr1 & vmbr1 to vmbr0
      • Change the address & gateway (of what is now vmbr1) to those assigned for PVE on the pfSense VM
    • edit /etc/hosts
      • Change the address to that assigned for PVE on the pfSense VM

Reboot the machine

Wait at least a couple minutes for pfSense to fully boot.

At this point, the machine shows up on your network as a single device (The pfSense VM!)

You can now browse to https://MachineAddress/ to access pfSense or https://MachineAddress:8006/ to access the PVE UI to do further setup of the system.

(Where MachineAddress is the address or name assigned to it by your local network...)