Typographic conventions
(maybe add a note for dopey people, don't cut and paste add your own network path - DodgyBrothersEngineering)
If you see something that looks a bit like
ls -l
(Notice the bullet & the grey background.)
It is likely a command line. You can triple-click it, then copy & paste it directly into a terminal.
If there is a part that's ALL-CAPS & BOLD, this is a part of the command line you'll probably need to edit for your particular usage.
(Really... if you see anything in bold, think about it before just pasting.)
Sometimes, there'll be whole scripts to paste into a file on your machine. (I like vi as an editor, but use whatever editor you like.) When a script is posted, it'll be formatted like this:
# This is a rather silly little bash script...
echo "This script is silly."
echo "It doesn't do much."
echo "In fact, it just tells you it's silly..."
Just copy the whole thing & paste it into your editor in a terminal...
(Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to do the BOLD & ALL-CAPS thing inside the scripts, but I'll try to make notes to help.)