ESXi - 6.7 iscsi

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VMware Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) commands.


  • list
List all the iSCSI Host Bus Adapters on the system.
  • esxcli iscsi adapter list
List the iSCSI information for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
  • esxcli iscsi adapter get NAME
Set the iSCSI name and alias for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
  • esxcli iscsi adapter set OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -A|--adapter=<str>            The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -a|--alias=<str>              The iSCSI initiator alias.
 -n|--name=<str>               The iSCSI initiator name.
 -s|--skip-if-session-active   Do not change initiator name if a session is active on the adapter.



  • get
Get the iSCSI CHAP authentication for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
  • esxcli iscsi adapter auth chap get OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -d|--direction=<str>  The iSCSI CHAP authentication direction. Options are: [uni, mutual]
  • set
Set the iSCSI CHAP authentication for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
  • esxcli iscsi adapter auth chap set OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -N|--authname=<str>   The iSCSI CHAP authentication name
 -D|--default          Resetting iSCSI CHAP authenthication setting to default.
 -d|--direction=<str>  The iSCSI CHAP authentication direction. Options are: [uni, mutual]
 -l|--level=<str>      The iSCSI CHAP authentication level. Options are: [prohibited, discouraged,
                       preferred, required]
 -S|--secret=<str>     The iSCSI CHAP authentication secret. The recommended length is at least 12
                       bytes. (secret)
                       WARNING: Providing secret values on the command line is insecure because it
                       may be logged or preserved in history files. Instead, specify this option
                       with no value on the command line, and enter the value on the supplied


  • get
List the iSCSI details for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
  • esxcli iscsi adapter capabilities get NAME
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)


  • rediscover
Do the iSCSI Discovery for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
  • esxcli iscsi adapter discovery rediscover NAME
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)


  • list
List sendtarget addresses
  • esxcli iscsi adapter discovery sendtarget list
  • add
Add a sendtarget address
  • esxcli iscsi adapter discovery sendtarget add OPTIONS
  • remove
Remove a sendtarget address
  • esxcli iscsi adapter discovery sendtarget remove OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -a|--address=<str>    The iSCSI sendtarget address: <ip/dns[:port]>. IPv6 address can be
                       specified as [XX:XX:XX:XX::XX]:port or XX:XX:XX:XX::XX (required)
  • get
Get iSCSI CHAP authentication on a sendtarget address
  • esxcli iscsi adapter discovery sendtarget auth chap get OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -a|--address=<str>    The iSCSI sendtarget address: <ip/dns[:port]> (required)
 -d|--direction=<str>  The iSCSI authentication direction. Options are: [uni, mutual]
  • set
Set iSCSI CHAP authentication on a sendtarget address
  • esxcli iscsi adapter discovery sendtarget auth chap set OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -a|--address=<str>    The iSCSI sendtarget address: <ip/dns[:port]> (required)
 -N|--authname=<str>   The iSCSI authentication name
 -D|--default          Resetting iSCSI authentication setting to default.
 -d|--direction=<str>  The iSCSI authentication direction. Options are: [uni, mutual]
 -I|--inherit          Inheriting iSCSI authentication setting from parent.
 -l|--level=<str>      The iSCSI authentication level. Options are: [prohibited, discouraged,
                       preferred, required]
 -S|--secret=<str>     The iSCSI authentication secret. The recommended length is at least 12
                       bytes. (secret)
                       WARNING: Providing secret values on the command line is insecure because it
                       may be logged or preserved in history files. Instead, specify this option
                       with no value on the command line, and enter the value on the supplied
  • get
Get iSCSI parameter on a sendtarget address
  • esxcli iscsi adapter discovery sendtarget param get OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -a|--address=<str>    The iSCSI sendtarget address: <ip/dns[:port]> (required)
  • set
Set the iSCSI parameter for the iSCSI Sendtarget.
  • esxcli iscsi adapter discovery sendtarget param set OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -a|--address=<str>    The iSCSI sendtarget address: <ip/dns[:port]> (required)
 -D|--default          Resetting iSCSI parameter setting to default.
 -I|--inherit          Inheriting iSCSI parameter setting from parent.
 -k|--key=<str>        The iSCSI parameter key (required)
 -v|--value=<str>      The iSCSI parameter value


  • list
List static target addresses
  • esxcli iscsi adapter discovery statictarget list
  • add
Add a static target address
  • esxcli iscsi adapter discovery statictarget add OPTIONS
  • remove
Remove a static target
  • esxcli iscsi adapter discovery statictarget remove OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -a|--address=<str>    The iSCSI target address: <ip/dns[:port]>. IPv6 address can be specified as
                       [XX:XX:XX:XX::XX]:port or XX:XX:XX:XX::XX (required)
 -n|--name=<str>       The iSCSI target name. (required)


  • get
Get the iSCSI adapter discovery status for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
  • esxcli iscsi adapter discovery status get OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)


  • get
Validate the iSCSI firmware for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
  • esxcli iscsi adapter firmware get OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -f|--file=<str>       Path to the firmware file to retrieve information from. (required)
  • set
Upload the iSCSI firmware for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
  • esxcli iscsi adapter firmware set OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -f|--file=<str>       Path to the firmware file to download. (required)


  • get
Get the iSCSI parameters for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
  • esxcli iscsi adapter param get OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
  • set
Set the iSCSI parameter for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
  • esxcli iscsi adapter param set OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -D|--default          Resetting iSCSI parameter setting to default.
 -k|--key=<str>        The iSCSI initiator parameter key. (required)
 -v|--value=<str>      The iSCSI initiator parameter value.


  • list
List iSCSI targets.
  • esxcli iscsi adapter target list


  • list
Get iSCSI LUN information
  • esxcli iscsi adapter target lun list


  • list
List iSCSI target portals.
  • esxcli iscsi adapter target portal list
  • get
Get iSCSI CHAP authentication on a target
  • esxcli iscsi adapter target portal auth chap get OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -a|--address=<str>    The iSCSI target address: <ip/dns[:port]> (required)
 -d|--direction=<str>  The iSCSI authentication direction. Options are: [uni, mutual]
 -m|--method=<str>     The iSCSI authentication method. Options are: [chap]
 -n|--name=<str>       The iSCSI target name: <iqn/eui> (required)
  • set
Set the iSCSI CHAP authentication for the iSCSI Target.
  • esxcli iscsi adapter target portal auth chap set OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -a|--address=<str>    The iSCSI target address: <ip/dns[:port]> (required)
 -N|--authname=<str>   The iSCSI authentication name
 -D|--default          Resetting iSCSI authentication setting to default.
 -d|--direction=<str>  The iSCSI authentication direction. Options are: [uni, mutual]
 -I|--inherit          Inheriting iSCSI authentication setting from parent.
 -l|--level=<str>      The iSCSI authentication level. Options are: [prohibited, discouraged,
                       preferred, required]
 -n|--name=<str>       The iSCSI target name: <iqn/eui> (required)
 -S|--secret=<str>     The iSCSI authentication secret. The recommended length is at least 12
                       bytes. (secret)
                       WARNING: Providing secret values on the command line is insecure because it
                       may be logged or preserved in history files. Instead, specify this option
                       with no value on the command line, and enter the value on the supplied
  • get
Get iSCSI parameter on a target
  • esxcli iscsi adapter target portal param get OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -a|--address=<str>    The iSCSI target address: <ip/dns[:port]> (required)
 -n|--name=<str>       The iSCSI target name: <iqn/eui> (required)
  • set
Set the iSCSI parameter for the iSCSI Target.
  • esxcli iscsi adapter target portal param set OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -a|--address=<str>    The iSCSI target address: <ip/dns[:port]> (required)
 -D|--default          Resetting iSCSI parameter setting to default.
 -I|--inherit          Inheriting iSCSI parameter setting from parent.
 -k|--key=<str>        The iSCSI parameter key (required)
 -n|--name=<str>       The iSCSI target name: <iqn/eui> (required)
 -v|--value=<str>      The iSCSI parameter value


  • get
Get iSCSI IBFT Boot details.
  • esxcli iscsi ibftboot get
  • import
Import iSCSI target configuration from iBFT to ESX iSCSI initiators. The boot target recorded in iBFT is added to all the eligible 'dependent' iSCSI adapters.
  • esxcli iscsi ibftboot import


  • list
List Logical Network Portals for iSCSI Adapter
  • esxcli iscsi logicalnetworkportal list


  • list
List Network Portal for iSCSI Adapter
  • esxcli iscsi networkportal list
  • add
Add a network portal for iSCSI adapter
  • esxcli iscsi networkportal add OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -f|--force=<bool>     The force flag (force add of iSCSI vmknic even it's not compatible for
                       iscsi multipathing)
 -n|--nic=<str>        The iSCSI network portal (bound vmknic) (required)
  • remove
Remove a network portal for iSCSI adapter
  • esxcli iscsi networkportal remove OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -f|--force=<bool>     The force flag (force removal of iSCSI vmknic when sessions are active
                       using it)
 -n|--nic=<str>        The iSCSI network portal (bound vmknic) (required)


  • get
Get iSCSI network portal ipv4 configuration
  • esxcli iscsi networkportal ipconfig get OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -n|--nic=<str>        The iSCSI network portal (vmknic)
  • set
Set iSCSI network portal IPv4 configuration.
  • esxcli iscsi networkportal ipconfig set OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -x|--dns1=<str>       The iSCSI network portal primary DNS address
 -y|--dns2=<str>       The iSCSI network portal secondary DNS address
 -e|--enable=<bool>    Enable/Disable IPv4. All other options will be ignored if IPv4 is being
                       Enable/Disable IPv4 configuration using DHCPv4. If DHCPv4 is being enabled,
                       static configuration parameters (ip,subnet,gateway,dns1,dns2) are ignored.
 -g|--gateway=<str>    The iSCSI network portal IPv4 gateway address
 -i|--ip=<str>         The iSCSI network portal IPv4 address
 -n|--nic=<str>        The iSCSI network portal (vmknic)
 -s|--subnet=<str>     The iSCSI network portal IPv4 subnet mask


  • get
Get iSCSI network portal ipv6 configuration
  • esxcli iscsi networkportal ipv6config get OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
  • set
Set iSCSI network portal IPv6 configuration.
  • esxcli iscsi networkportal ipv6config set OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -e|--enable=<bool>    Enable/Disable IPv6
                       Enable/Disable IPv6 configuration using DHCPv6
                       Enable/Disable auto configuration of linklocal address
                       Enable/Disable IPv6 configuration using Router Advertisement
 -g|--gateway6=<str>   The iSCSI network portal IPv6 gateway address


  • list
List the IPv6 addresses assigned to the iSCSI network portal.
  • esxcli iscsi networkportal ipv6config address list OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
  • add
Add IPv6 addresses to the given iSCSI network portal.
  • esxcli iscsi networkportal ipv6config address add OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -a|--address-list=[ <str> ... ]
                       An IPv6 address to add in X:X:X::/X format. Multiple addresses can be
                       provided using format -a address1 -a address2 -a address3.
                       Remove all existing routable IPv6 addresses before adding the addresses
                       specified by --address-list. If this flag is passed and --address-list is
                       empty, all existing routable addresses are removed.
  • remove
Remove IPv6 addresses from the given iSCSI network portal.
  • esxcli iscsi networkportal ipv6config address remove OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -a|--address-list=[ <str> ... ]
                       An IPv6 address to remove in X:X:X::/X format. Multiple addresses can be
                       provided using format -a address1 -a address2 -a address3. (required)


  • list
List Physical Network Portal for iSCSI Adapter
  • esxcli iscsi physicalnetworkportal list


  • get
Get network parameters on a Physical Network Portal (vmnic)
  • esxcli iscsi physicalnetworkportal param get OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -n|--nic=<str>        The physical network portal name: <vmnic>
  • set
Set network parameter on a Physical Network Portal
  • esxcli iscsi physicalnetworkportal param set OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -n|--nic=<str>        The physical network portal name: <vmnic>
 -o|--option=<str>     The network parameter option. Supported options are  [MTU, ArpRedirect].
 -v|--value=<long>     Input value for a Physical Network Portal option (use 0/1 for bool, and
                       number for int) (required)


  • list
List IMA plugins.
  • esxcli iscsi plugin list


  • list
List iSCSI Sessions.
  • esxcli iscsi session list
  • add
Login sessions on current iSCSI configuration.
  • esxcli iscsi session add OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -s|--isid=<str>       The isid of a session to duplicate for login.
 -n|--name=<str>       The iSCSI target name.
  • remove
Logout sessions on current iSCSI configuration.
  • esxcli iscsi session remove OPTIONS
 -A|--adapter=<str>    The iSCSI adapter name. (required)
 -s|--isid=<str>       The isid of a session to duplicate for login.
 -n|--name=<str>       The name of the target to login to.


  • list
List iSCSI connections.
  • esxcli iscsi session connection list


  • get
Software iSCSI information.
  • esxcli iscsi software get
  • set
Enable or disable software iSCSI.
  • esxcli iscsi software set OPTIONS
 -e|--enabled=<bool>   Enable or disable the module. (required)
 -n|--name=<str>       The iSCSI initiator name.
                       The initiator name must not be specified when disabling software iSCSI.