Bash - Changing the colours

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Modern Linux & UNIX systems can colourise the output of ls.

Sadly, the default colour choices can make your eyes bleed...

Fortunately, you can customise the colour choices.

To see the default (or, at least, current) colours your system shows for everything, paste the following code block directly at the command line.

LS COLORS Sampler.png
# Run in a subshell so it won't crash current color settings
dircolors -b >/dev/null
for ls_color in ${LS_COLORS[@]}; do # For all colors
echo -en "\E[${color}m${ext}\E[0m " # echo color and extension


You control the colours with an environment variable named LS_COLORS which you can set in your ~/.bashrc file. (On many Linux variants, you can simply define the variable in a file named ~/.dircolors, but not all. So putting it in your ~/.bashrc file is the safest bet.)

  • vi ~/.bashrc

& add the following:

# Adjust the LS colours
export LS_COLORS

You'll, of course, be replacing YOURNEWCOLORS with codes and colours of your own choosing.


  • source ~/.bashrc

to enable your changes.

The format of YOURNEWCOLORS is a colon separated list of key/code sets.  & each key/code set consists of a key from the table below followed by 1-3 codes from the second table all separated by semicolons. (I know...  weird...)

so: key;foreground;background;effect

& all but the key are optional.

Any key/code set not specified will be displayed using the default values.


LS COLORS Example 0.png

The default for a directory writable by "other" users hurts me...

So I put LS_COLORS="ow=34;43"; in my .bashrc file.

MUCH better!

Now I can read it.

LS COLORS Example 1.png

Then I made it LS_COLORS="ow=34;43:*.weird=36;04"; to customise a 'weird' file extension.

The Details

What the codes mean

Key Defaults Name Notes



NORMAL, NORM Global default, although everything should be something

FILE Normal file
di 01;34 DIR Directory
ln 01;36 SYMLINK, LINK, LNK Symbolic link. If you set this to 'target' instead of a numerical value, the colour is as for the file pointed to.
pi 40;33 FIFO, PIPE Named pipe
do 01;35 DOOR Door
bd 40;33;01 BLOCK, BLK Block device
cd 40;33;01 CHAR, CHR Character device
or 40;31;01 ORPHAN Symbolic link pointing to a non-existent file
so 01;35 SOCK Socket
su 37;41 SETUID File that is setuid (u+s)
sg 30;43 SETGID File that is setgid (g+s)
tw 30;42 STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE Directory that is sticky and other-writable (+t,o+w)
ow 34;42 OTHER_WRITABLE Directories that are writeable by other users
st 37;44 STICKY Directory with the sticky bit set (+t) and not other-writable
ex 01;32 EXEC Executable file (i.e. has 'x' set in permissions)
mi 00 MISSING Non-existent file pointed to by a symbolic link (visible when you type ls -l)

LEFTCODE, LEFT Opening terminal code

RIGHTCODE, RIGHT Closing terminal code

ENDCODE, END Non-filename text
*.extension various

Every file using this extension e.g. *.jpg
rs 0



Colour & Effect options

Foreground Background Effects
Code Property Code Property Code Property
30 Black 40 Black 00 Default
31 Red 41 Red 01 Bold
32 Green 42 Green 04 Underlined
33 Orange 43 Orange 05 Flashing Text
34 Blue 44 Blue 07 Reversed
35 Purple 45 Purple 08 Concealed
36 Cyan 46 Cyan

37 Grey 47 Grey

Extra Colours
90 Dark Grey 100 Dark Grey

91 Light Red 101 Light Red

92 Light Green 102 Light Green

93 Yellow 103 Yellow

94 Light Blue 104 Light Blue

95 Light Purple 105 Light Purple

96 Turquoise 106 Turquoise

97 White 107 White

Handy Links