ESXi - 6.7 storage
VMKernel system properties and commands for configuring properties of the kernel core system and related system services.
- list
- List all the SCSI Host Bus Adapters on the system.
- rescan
- Rescan SCSI HBAs to search for new Devices, remove DEAD paths and update path state. This operation will also run an claim operation equivalent to the claimrule run command and a filesystem rescan.
- list
- List the capabilities of the SCSI HBAs in the system.
- list
- List the devices associated with HBAs.
- get
- List the SCSI stats for the SCSI Host Bus Adapters in the system.
- autoclaim
- Control the automatic PSA (path/device) claiming code allowing the disabling of the automatic claiming process or re-enabling of the claiming process if it was previously disabled. By default the automatic PSA claiming process is on and should not be disabled by users unless specifically instructed to do so.
- reclaim
- Attempt to unclaim all paths to a device and then run the loaded claimrules on each of the paths unclaimed to attempt to reclaim them.
- unclaim
- 1) Unclaim a path or set of paths, disassociating them from a PSA plugin. NOTES: It is normal for path claiming to fail especially when unclaiming by plugin or adapter. Only inactive paths with no I/O will be able to be unclaimed. Typically the ESXi USB partition and devices with VMFS volumes on them will not be unclaimable. Also NOTE unclaiming will not persist and periodic path claiming will reclaim these paths in the near future unless claim rules are configured to mask the path.
- 2) Detach a (set of) filter(s) from one or more devices.
- list
- List all the claimrules on the system.
- add
- Add a claimrule to the set of claimrules on the system.
- convert
- Convert ESX 3.x style /adv/Disk/MaskLUNs LUN masks to Claim Rule format.
WARNING: This conversion will not work for all input MaskLUNs variations! Please inspect the list of generated claim rules carefuly, then if the suggested LUN mask claim rules are correct use the --commit parameter to write the list to the config file.
- load
- Load path claiming rules from config file into the VMkernel.
- move
- Move a claimrule from one rule id to another
- remove
- Delete a claimrule to the set of claimrules on the system.
- run
- Execute path claiming rules.
- list
- List the devices currently registered with the PSA.
- purge
- Removes storage devices which have not been seen in some time interval.
- set
- Provide control to allow a user to modify a SCSI device's state.
- setconfig
- Set device configuration