Setting up NFS for file sharing

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Proven on:
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11 (bullseye)

Install NFS Server

  • sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server

Configure NFS Server

  • sudo vi /etc/exports


/path/to/be/shared *(rw,async,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)

For the changes to take effect, export and start NFS service.

  • sudo exportfs -a
  • sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server start

Pretty simple...

A bit about re-sharing

Sometimes, you may want to share something that you've actually mounted from an NFS share on another machine...

A couple of things are different in this case.

First, you need to ensure that the mounts are done BEFORE you start the NFS server.

  • sudo vi nfs-kernel-server

& add:

echo "Starting out by making sure EVERYTHING is mounted..."
/usr/bin/mount -a
echo "Really..."
echo "This is NOT the right place to do this..."
echo "But, init.d kinda sucks..."

right near the start.

Then you need to provide an fsid entry (with a unique number) for each export.

/path/to/be/shared *(rw,async,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,fsid=1010)

Connecting to the NFS Server

You'll need NFS installed

  • sudo apt install nfs-common


  • sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server

Then you can check what's shared from any particular machine:

  • showmount -e [ServerName or Address]
    • (requires sudo on Debian...)

will show you what's shared from a machine

Setting up & mounting a share

  • sudo mkdir -p /path/to/mount/share
  • sudo mount [ServerName or Address]:/path/to/be/shared /path/to/mount/share

Better yet tho...

  • sudo vi /etc/fstab

& add an entry:

[ServerName or Address]:/path/to/be/shared /path/to/mount/share nfs rw,user,exec 0 0


  • Learn what flags do what in /etc/exports
  • Browsing in the GUI would be nice...
  • Look into automounting (including graceful failure modes)

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