Specialised Servers - LogicalDOC

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Proven on:
Logo Debian.png
12 (bookworm)

LogicalDOC is a document Management System...

It seems to be fairly functional & useful.  Sadly, the documentation has a few issues.


Here goes a functional set installation instructions.

In my test case, I'm installing to an LXC container on a Proxmox server. (Could be just a basic minimal Debian install)


  • 8GB boot drive
  • 4 cores
  • 8GB of RAM
  • Debian 12

(NOTE: Due to the complexity of this install, I'll be doing it logged in as root.)


You'll need a database, Java & a handful of other applications.

For Java, Let's install an up-to date version:

  • apt install openjdk-17-jdk

We'll use MariaDB since I'm doing this on Debian (using the procedure outlined here):

  • apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client php-mysql
  • mysql_secure_installation

And the rest of the stuff they say you'll need:

  • apt install libreoffice imagemagick ghostscript tesseract-ocr xpdf openssl clamav

Database setup

  • vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf

and add in:

default-character-set = utf8

character-set-server = utf8
collation-server = utf8_bin
default-storage-engine = INNODB

Then set up the user & the database itself:

  • mysqladmin -u root
CREATE USER logicaldoc;
SET PASSWORD FOR logicaldoc@'%'=PASSWORD('password');
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON logicaldoc.* TO logicaldoc@'%' identified by 'password';

The actual install

Unless you are PAYING for the open-source software, you'll want the CE version.  (The following URL will likely change at some point & my require searching again...)

Pretty much defaults all the way through will get you up & running.


When you see: "[ ] Manual specification of the database connection URL"


Post-Install (WIP)

Their post install instructions don't work as they tell you to copy a file that they failed to provide...

Working on that part...

For the moment, there is a script installed...

Starting the service:

  • /LogicalDOC-Community/bin/logicaldoc.sh start

Stopping the service:

  • /LogicalDOC-Community/bin/logicaldoc.sh stop

Restarting the service:

  • /LogicalDOC-Community/bin/logicaldoc.sh restart


Browse to http://YOURSERVERADDRESS:8080

and sign in as admin with the password admin

And follow their documentation to get going.


Shutdown the service:

  • /LogicalDOC-Community/bin/logicaldoc.sh stop

Delete the file (which doesn't exist...):

  • /etc/init.d/logicaldoc

Delete the install directory

  • rm -r /LogicalDOC-Community